Being Genuine

Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real

By Thomas d’Ansembourg

Endorsements Read a Chapter

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  • Being Genuine front cover
  • Being Genuine back cover


Why relationships go wrong and how to fix them.
In this English translation of the French bestseller, readers will learn simple, practical skills to step outside of their emotional masks to live a genuine, authentic life. Teaching everyday communication skills to respectfully express true feelings and the power of requesting wants without demands or force, readers learn how to tackle life’s difficult situations and conversations with ease and even excitement. Topics include ideas and advice on how to identify feelings and needs without blaming others, honest and respectful self-expression, facing conflict with ease, and finding balance by staying connected to basic needs.


Cover endorsements:

“Here is further proof, if we needed any, of the effectiveness of Nonviolent Communication in improving human relationships at nearly any level.”
—Dr. Michael Nagler, author, America Without Violence and Is There No Other Way

“Through this book, we can feel Nonviolent Communication not as a formula but as a rich, meaningful way of life, both intellectually and emotionally.”
—Vicki Robin, cofounder, Conversation Cafés, coauthor, Your Money or Your Life

Online Reviews:

“Great read for new perspectives on Nonviolent Communication concepts. The “3 minutes 3 times a day” practice is transforming.”
—Online reviewer

“After reading this book, I have found my happy medium. I can address my needs as well as theirs and be okay with doing it or not doing it and be guilt free with my decision(s). I even gave a few of my friends copies of this book to help them ‘Be Real.’”
—Online reviewer

“This book has been incredibly illuminating. I would highly recommend it to anyone that seeks to better understand themselves and others.”
—Online reviewer

“Being Genuine is simply stated, one of the best books I have read all year. It very clearly and effectively conveys a process for communicating with others in a genuine and non-judgmental way. Thomas D’Ansembourg is a student of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication process but rather than simply restating Rosenberg’s principles, he enhances and adds a new dimension to nonviolent communication based on his experience as a psychotherapist and youth counselor. Anyone who learns and practices his four simple steps will quickly discover that their everyday communication becomes clearer, less judgmental and less conflictual because they are taking responsibility for their feelings and actions and creating a space to connect. I have never come across an easier way to show people how they can get their needs met without fear of conflict.
—Online reviewer

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