Nonviolent Communication™ and Species Extinction

“The more we heat up the planet, the more it costs all of us, not just in money, but in colossal famines, displacements, deaths, and species extinctions, as well as in the loss of some of the things that make this planet a blue-green jewel, including its specialized habitats from the melting Arctic to bleaching coral reefs.”

– Rebecca Solnit

More information on this topic coming soon. In the meantime, please enjoy this article from Work Collaboratively.

Putting NVC Principles to the Test while Petitioning in NYC

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) said, “Criticism is an autobiography.” I interpret this to mean that when I criticize (or judge) it actually says more about me, the critic, than whatever (or whomever) I am criticizing.

This also is a key concept in Nonviolent Communication (NVC): no matter what someone tells you — even if it’s directed at you or sounds like it’s about you –it is actually about the person doing the judging and their needs.

As Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of NVC said, “No matter what words someone uses to express themselves, we simply listen for observations, feelings, needs, and requests.” There’s even that little NVC rhyme: “It’s not about me. It’s not about me. It’s all about needs!” In effect, each time we practice NVC, we’re putting this principle into action.

No matter what someone says or does that we might judge as mean, thoughtless, selfish or misguided, we are looking beneath those judgments for our own feelings and needs (what the situation brings alive in us) and listening with “giraffe ears” and a big heart for the feelings and needs of the other. This is a radically different way of seeing human behavior and moving through the world.

Of course, this is not always easy to remember or practice. This is why people say that NVC is simple but not always easy! And, as my friend Jane Connor said, “When you’re triggered, everyone’s a beginner!” It becomes much harder — way harder, by the nth degree harder — when we have a history with someone and when what they say or do triggers an old wound for us. Maybe we don’t even fully remember the wound or its origin — it might even be from before we met this person — but it flares up, like pouring oil on a fire.

I was recently teaching a workshop and one of the participants asked three times during the course of the evening, “But what if you’re triggered? What if you’re triggered? All this sounds great, but if you’re triggered—-really triggered and really lose it, what do you do then?!”

Please read the rest of this article here:

More information on Books related to Species Extinction

NVC Species Extinction Web Resources

Click here for Marshall Rosenberg Species Extinction Articles
Click here for Marshall Rosenberg Species Extinction Videos
Click here for Nonviolent Communication Species Extinction Articles
Click here for Nonviolent Communication Species Extinction Videos

There is a wealth of information on Nonviolent Communication – in articles and videos. Of course we endorse all of Marshall’s sharing’s, however, there are many transcripts and videos created by others. Due to limited resources we do not verify the full accuracy of any particular video or articles created by others, even though there is plenty of wonderful and educational information on the web.